Sunday, February 28, 2010



Set my humble feet upon Yashuah’s Way
which flows as a river into Your Holy light.

I am only a messenger-may Your Holy Spirit wind fill
my wings with hope and uplift me to those lofty peaks
reserved for Your elect messengers from the four winds.

My feet now dance the dance of the Ghost.
My hands shape words of wisdom given to me by Your grace.

I am as the deer and watupi, eating of the earth’s harvest
and I shall one day return to the earth that You have created.
There I shall become as the earth until
You raise my dust from the ground into life eternal.

You are MORE than just the Great Spirit.
You are MORE than just the earth, wind, fire and water.
Your wisdom is MORE than all the moons and the stars in the sky.

I am only a lowly messenger, praying and waiting for my next command.
Return me to those days of my ancestors when men
were as the golden eagle soaring to Your throne.

I seek only to stand before You and to glorify You for all seasons.
Instill in me the message, to return to those
men who have become lost and cannot stand.

The Ghost dance I dance is for the return of
righteousness, justice and judgment of all men.
Sit with me, Oh YHWH, in the lodge of fools and teach me,
Pour the message through my fingers, as a river to the pen,
down to the elk hide and into the white men’s hearts and minds.

Brush your fingers across my soul, and
Bury within my heart, mind and spirit, Your Word
so I may release Him to free men’s souls:

For I am the messenger.

By Randy Brown

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