Saturday, January 16, 2016

Life Balance

 Some Years ago God gave me this dream. Its about balance in your life. I wanted to share it with others and I have, but now it's time to add it to the Blog. Maybe this will speak to you and help you in your walk with Christ and in understanding how important it is to keep HIM in the center of your life as much as is in you. 


The Color/Balance Dream

Acts 2:17 says, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. " I never had dreams of God or Jesus in my 50+ years on earth. I have had 3 visions when I was younger in 1970. Here is the dream I had.

February 23, 2004  

   In a huge circular convention type room, or open arena, were hundreds and even thousands of people. Each person was colored head to toe, skin and clothing alike. Each person had a different shade or hue of only one color of the rainbow. Each activity or sin that a person participated in was one color (i.e. Red would be anger). The darker the Red the angrier a person became. The lighter hue of Red was a peaceful content person. The ranges were from almost a Red-black to a white-red in color. Towards the center of the room were the white-red people around the edges were the red-black ones. People would move in horizontal movements in a circular motion and then towards the center and would change to different shades of the red depending on their anger at that moment. People would talk about other people and say things like "look at Joe, he has really become dark red" or "look at Jane, she has really become a lighter red" or, "look and them they have become white". I was one of the white-reds. There was a demarcation line where the darker hued people would intermingle with the lighter ones. There would be friction between the lighter people and the darker ones. Not many people were of the white-red types; the vast majority was mediums to the darker color reds. I moved about the arena becoming darker then lighter and seeing the activity going on and I wondered what was happening around me. Then as fast as I was a red color I would become green and that was for another type sin such as greed. I mingled with the other hues of green and we all moved in a horizontal circular fashion. I was mixing with the darker hues and then with the lighter ones. Occasionally others pulled me into their colored area and other times I walked on my own into their areas. This continued as I became colored with each and all of the colors of the rainbow, and as a result I then became all of the sins known to man.
   I wondered and prayed to God, and asked Him what this dream meant. He wanted me to remain there for a while longer to observe and participate then He would reveal to me what it all meant. I mixed with the darker hues and realized that they were the more extreme variations of each color/sin. I actually got trapped into the frenzy with the darker hues, because on the fringes of the outer rings there was always darkness and a frenzy or confusion happening between the darker hues and the lighter ones, and even between ones of their own color. There was never any peace or cooperation between the darker hues. As I moved from those outer rings of darkness to the center of the arena there was more and more of a peace within me. Close to and on the demarcation line was many battles and confusion and struggles. I became weary as I gravitated to the outer rings of the convention center and conversely I became more at peace towards others and with God towards the center.
  I moved from color/sin to color/sin and I still had the question of why? What was I doing in this room with all of these people and why was I changing colors like this?
  While I asked these questions I came into a color of yellow that was not a color/sin but it was every language in the world and I was hearing all of these odd words. On the fringes all people were looking horizontally and not understanding each other. They were all in mass confusion from the language misunderstandings. This confused me because it was not a color/sin at all but it was a color/language. I asked God what this was. He told me that these were the languages of the world and between each hue and ring they could not understand each other. The odd thing about it was that the closer to the center of the room I got the more that each one of them could understand the other one. Then as I became almost a white-yellow and I could understand them, but they could not understand me. The strangest part was that when I stood directly in the center of the room I began to speak in tongues and it wasn't a known language but a Heavenly language that all of those in the center of the arena understood. We were all looking up towards heaven and speaking in tongues in unison to God our Father and praising Him.
  This vision or dream continued and I became other colors, which were not color/sins and not just color/things like language, but they became things of the world like money, houses, computers ,cars etc. The more a person was into these things the darker his hue was.
   I was speaking in tongues and in the center of the room and I then looked upward rather than horizontal as I had been doing since the beginning of the dream. When I did I realized that God was there and I wanted to get to Him to be with Him but I couldn't. Then a pure blinding pure white light began to descend from Heaven and it came into the arena to where I was standing in the exact center. It was an empty cross and Christ was standing beside it. As He and the cross descended he stood beside me. I saw His pierced side and nail scared feet and hands. Then all of a sudden in a flash all of the colors of the rainbow were present in the room and also all people who had ever lived since Adam. I began to speak to Christ and it was in tongues and all of the people could then understand. I told Him that I wanted to go with Him and I asked would he take me? He said yes. I was really excited and happy, and relieved to be leaving. He began to ascend and I lifted off the floor 25, 50 then 100 feet or so and I looked down. It was then that I realized that this life was a horizontal dimension and that eternal life was a vertical dimension and unknown dimensions. The blood from off the cross began to drip, and then flow downward onto the floor, right into the center of the room. As it was flowing down it ran horizontal and covered the entire floor with red and all of the colors and people were covered with the red blood of Christ. He rose up thanking God for all of us as we lived in our sins. Then like an inverted funnel He took up all of those below standing with me who were white with no color, each one speaking to God and understanding each others words.  He then sucked some people up like a slow motion vacuum or an inverted tornado leaving those who didn't know Him behind. Then halfway up to Heaven I looked around and He told me I had to go back to the arena. I didn't want to but I began to lower back onto the floor.  I was lowered to the floor and I realized that Christ was continuing upward without me and I cried out for Him to stop and take me. He said He would come for me later and to have faith. I told God that if I had green/money wealth that I would use it for His kingdom and I would remain in the center of the room until He came for me again.
  I asked God the question I still had rolling in my mind. What does this dream mean? He told me that life on earth is a balance and the closer to the center that I stayed the closer to Him I would be and the happier and more at peace I would be with myself and the Body. He also said all things in life are a balance and that I should strive to move to the center of the room and to have no color in my life but white. I asked Him about the third eye that I was hearing about from others and seeing it in the arena. This third eye kept coming up and was persistent in the arena. He told me that just as Jesus has come down through the heavens into the arena, Satan had his counterfeit had come up as a vacuum or tornado a reverse and a negative force that drew the darker colors into hell.
 I began to wake up and I awoke myself as I was speaking in tongues to God.  I wasn't sure if this was real or if it was a dream, and I then realized it was a dream. I wanted to go back to sleep to finish it but God told me that I would have to wait to finish the dream at a later time. I asked when……no answer. I then asked again, when? answer and one last time….no answer. Then I woke up and was disappointed that the dream was over. So here I am….waiting for Christ's return!! This was a dream from God and the interpretation still remains to be fully completed.

Sept. 15, 2009
The dream is complete. YHWH sent me to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico with a brother in Christ. The brother told me that the colors in the dream could also mean the colors of men be they black, white, red, brown or yellow. The closer we come to Christ the more those colors disappear and become pure white with Christ. As we move closer to the center inner circle we forget what color we are and in love and unity of the Spirit we fully love others despite our differences. Those colors are never completely erased until we are with YHWH in heaven. The Lord has shown me that this dream is a dream of balance in everything in life. No excesses on either end. Strive to be in the center balanced with and in Jesus.

Revised 9/11/23