Monday, September 11, 2023

70...that's a milestone!

WOW! Three score and Ten. Looks like God has allowed me to pass the 70 mark. Amazing!

HMM. same cake as my 60th! imagine that.


God instructed me to write down this dream, a dream given on September 25, 2010, 4:30 am

(Revised on June 25, 2023 2:00 pm)


 From the outside I entered into a well-lit [Lit up by God’s Glory] room through an outside door. [ I was saved by Christ (the door) and entered into his light from the world outside and the darkness that I had left behind] The room was long, say 30 feet [The room was a symbol of the world. In the Bible the number 30 symbolizes dedication to a particular task or calling. I believe God called me through this dream.] and 12 feet wide. [Twelve is specially noted in scripture as being anointed for a unique task or responsibility.]  [the room was the length of your life on earth through the Holy Spirit (1) ] The other end had another door [The 2 doors are spiritual doors (1) ] with a large window in it and the door opened into a kitchen area (or hospital room?). [the Kitchen (or maybe a hospital room with sick covid-19 people?) area could be heaven and the provisions there provided by God or the alive/dead Christian peoples living area. The door could be Jesus the door to heaven?] In this room I was in were 2 long tables [2 is a Union, a division or witnessing] placed end to end, each 12 feet long [again a unique task or responsibility and/or the long table is the place to serve others and to help meet their needs by what was given to me by God]. and 4 feet wide [4 Meaning ‘creation’ with a basic demarcation of time. A type of signal that would mark off the days, years, and seasons just as the moon and sun do. Maybe there is a set time to complete the tables and distribute the coins to others?]. The table closer to the kitchen (hospital room) was 1 foot higher than the one closer to the outside door. [1 foot higher maybe relates to ONE true spiritual body of believers where all share in one spirit (the Holy Spirit). True Christianity entails one hope, one faith, one baptism, one Lord and Savior and one Father. Maybe it’s a sign of an increased spiritual growth in Christ] [The higher table represents the Lord's Table. "...He that is higher than the highest regardeth." Ecc. 5:8. Both tables were connected. God's table "heart" is connected to the table of your heart. You and God are enjoined. The first lower table is your heart. "While the King sitteth at His table, My spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof." Song of Solomon 1:12. The table is the representation and illustration of the heart. (1)] I stood in the room, about a foot in from the outside doorway and at the end of the first table. The end of it was close, say 2 feet in front of me. On its end toward the outside door was a monitor facing the kitchen (hospital room), I could only see the backside of the t.v.  There were a number of people in the kitchen (hospital room), but three people [Maybe the trinity to instruct me or the spirits of three dead Christian people witnessing to me?] entered the room from the kitchen (hospital room) and walked toward me; [The hospital room represents humanity that "needs a physician." The people were glorying over the works of their own hands. However, they began to become distracted by your activity. They had to leave the room to see the coins on YOUR table, the "currency of heaven."(1)] they then were looking at the monitor in front of me. [Maybe the monitor was showing the results of how God had blessed them with His money while they were alive on earth?] They were speaking about how great it was that THEY had created the item or items being displayed on the t.v. monitor’s screen. [Maybe they were prideful of what God had given them? Could it be a broadcast picture of the fiat wealth they had stored up for themselves before their deaths, in cash, stocks, bond markets, crypto, or real estate through their years while they were on earth? Or the investments and blessings that I needed to share with others?] I removed the coins from a floating, suspended purple velvet bag above my head. It had no strings that tied it to the ceiling or to any walls. [The fact that it was hanging in suspension without any physical means is clearly the spiritual being made manifest. God was giving you heavenly currency, "spiritual wealth" in things "great and small." (1)] The bag must have come from God Himself. [ The purple bag represents the royalty of Jesus Christ (1)] [The floating velvet bag was given and controlled only by God. He supplied and blessed the monetary, physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual needs for me to assist others during my life. He allowed me to remove the ‘financial’ needs from the bag.] The coins were gold, silver, copper and nickel. They were different denominations, different sizes, and some were very old. [Maybe a sign to have older collectable coins along with the bullion Gold and Silver?] [The coins begin with gold the most precious, silver having a slightly lesser value, and the copper and nickel are baser metals. Yet they still have value (1)] The reeding (vertical grooves or lines) or fluting on the edges of some coins were smooth, others with typical vertical reeding and some had diagonal reeding. [a number of different styles and types of gold and silver] I looked at the three people then I held some coins from the bag in my left hand and began placing them one at a time onto the tabletop [As a witness to those who were watching me] beginning the placement in front of the monitor. I laid them in a single file until they reached the end of the first table. [‘single file’ maybe this means this is done in an orderly fashion. A systematic purchase and distribution. Not haphazardly or without planning] [Placing them in a single file row from one end to the other, as well as on the floor underneath the table seems to represent Heaven being the top, and the bottom being on earth (1)] As I placed the coins down the people became more impressed and interested with my laying the coins down than with watching the monitor which displayed the item or items they had created. [Could be they were surprised at me giving up the coins on the table to others? Maybe they became more interested in my buying of Gold {Au) and Silver (Ag) rather than me buying stocks, bonds, cash savings, or real estate that I had accumulated?] They watched me very closely and intently. As I finished laying the row of coins on first table, I walked back to where I had started and then placed coins underneath the first table on the floor in single file [maybe single file below to keep track of what had been placed on the floor?] to the other end of the first table. [Maybe this was to give the tabletop coins to others BUT also to save some coins back underneath the table, because they needed to be protected and hidden from other people to be held back for our later use?] When I got to the end of the first table, I looked up and noticed a man sitting in a chair [That chair he sat on seems to represent the "throne of iniquity." I thought about it seated on a chair. And any demon that appears seated is one of higher rank. (1)] almost to the end of the second table 12 feet away or so, he was sitting on the right side against the wall. [Maybe he was close to and/or blocking the way to the kitchen (hospital room) as a last hinderance to me entering the kitchen (hospital room)?] He was a Native American (first nation) or maybe a foreigner of some sort. He appeared to be a Christian. [Native American practice witchcraft and spiritism. So his outward appearance was for a visual purpose. In 2 Timothy 2:19 it reads, "The throne of God standeth on this foundation having this seal; the Lord knoweth them that are His and let everyone who nameth the name of Jesus Christ depart from iniquity." (1)] [The man whom you thought was a Christian was able to deceive you, but only for a brief moment. As there was an outward show of "brotherly love." (1)] [Key words ‘appeared to be’. He may have been a false Christian, an apostate, a demon or satan himself] I then noticed coins that he had placed on the second table before I had entered the room. [They were counterfeit coins or fiat money from the world system to distract, confuse or gain confidence of the other people in the room] I took a step or two towards the man, as he walked towards me at the point where I had placed my last coin in my hand and at the beginning of the second table. Then the 3 other people and all the others who had joined them, entered the room from the kitchen (hospital room), [This is because the other people were of a like kind as I was, stackers of God’s money Gold and Silver. Christians who had died and previously saved coins for others or selfishly saved for themselves?] and watched me as the man and I hugged each other. We both began to weep and cry because we were so happy to see each other. We fell down on the floor as we cried together. [ I had been deceived by him for a period of time, thinking he was Christian]  We each then rose at the same time. As he did, he then returned to his chair. Everyone heard a voice saying, ‘get out of the room right now’! [This was God or the Spirit warning me and all of us in the room to leave, because of a danger of satanic attacks] All of the people with the exception of me and the man ran into the kitchen (hospital room) and watched intently through the large window in the kitchen (hospital room) door. The room became very, very dark. [Dark from the death and evil he was causing] The man, from his right hand, cast a golf ball sized, powerful ball of light towards me. [He had extensive powers but not the unlimited powers of God] [That ball of light he launched to you was the false light of satan meant to destroy you, not kill you because he cannot, but to wound you. Also the deceptive usage of that seemingly "brotherly love" you felt at first. I think the Lord was forewarning you to be wise  from within where He resides, regarding things in nature of "appearances" without. In your dream you opened yourself up to him in sincerity thinking he was a real brother of the Lord, but it gave him place, even for that shortest of time to try to destroy you. I believe without a doubt that "ball of light" was a powerful visual of all time for you to see. That ball of light was weaponized, and if it had hit you, you would have "fallen by His strong ones." Not a forever fall but a hard attack. (1)]Next, I saw that he was possessed and/or a satanic demon angel. [The satanic figure had been giving temporary worldly needs to others also, but in a greedy, and in lustful ways. Satan has the world to give if they would worship him] We looked at each other eye to eye and I knew he was pure evil. I immediately prayed to God to fill me with His Spirit, and He did. [This is satan or an antichrist figure, a watcher, or the antichrist who was there to battle with me over God’s money that he had given to me to distribute to others] I raised my left hand in a stopping fashion, and I spoke a commanded in Jesus’ name for the evil ball of light to be gone from the room and also for the man to be gone. The power of God’s Spirit cleared the entire room of the evil there. I was never afraid because the Holy Spirit was in me and with me. [Because I had trust and faith in God, He worked a miracle] The people all came back into the room and began to thank me for coming to visit them, I gave them coins. These people were different kinds of people such as Pastors, missionaries, Christ seekers, the church, the body of Christ, etc. [God allowed me to serve the others in the kitchen (hospital room) through His generosity during my life and I was to pass it on to others as He commands me to.] One woman told me she was happy I came, and she only had a week to be there in that place and it was time for her to leave now. [Maybe she was dying and/or going back to be with God?] The others shook my hand and they tried to get a firmer handshake by repositioning their hands. I then thanked God for using me. I asked Him again to fill me with His Spirit again and I felt the Spirit fill me to the top. [The people who had come out of this room witnessed this power. Meaning, your life has direct purpose in bearing witness of Jesus great indestructible "All-power" over the devil by His word and Name as a formidable weapon. As spoken through you to that spirit and seeing Christ's power destroyed it easily. It had NO power over you at all. The people were happy to see this. Your life is a vessel of Jesus Christ, and He was showing you the "here and now" of then, the path He has you on, the responsibility of being His student and a member of His Warrior Class Divisions." (1)]

This dream was primarily about the power of God, and his provision. I am not sure what it all means but God will reveal it to me in time.


Footnote (1). Joanie Stahl from Heaven Land Devotions gave me her interpretation of this dream. She is one whom God has blessed with many dreams. See her field notes website for devotions:



Was this a kitchen or a hospital room full of sick people?

Why did only 3 people come into the room initially?

Why was I hugging and crying with the man?

What was the special handshake grip all about?

Why were the tables each empty except for the coins?

Why were there not any Federal Reserve notes or any other fiat currencies on the table were they gone at this point?

Were ALL of the other people, besides the three, dead and in heaven or were some still alive while standing in the room?